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Assembler Toolkit #1 by Warren A. Ring 2/8/88
This tool box is, as of this date, scheduled to be featured in the March,
April, and May 1988 issues of Amazing Computing.
This is the first in what I hope will be a series of assembler toolboxes
created to make interfacing between assembler programs and AmigaDOS easy.
Each toolbox consists of a macro file and a library file. The primary
vehicle for getting data to and from these routines is a data structure I
call the "string buffer". It can contain text strings, but can just as
easily be used for disk buffers. A string buffer may contain either binary
or ASCII data, and is structured to have overrun protection and fast
manipulation. String buffers consist of three fields, shown in the following
CNOP 0,2
Buffer1Length equ 10
DC.L Buffer1Length ;Capacity of the data field
DC.L 0 ;Current useage of the data field
DS.B Buffer1Length ;Data field
CNOP 0,2
The first field is a long integer specifying the physical size, in bytes, of
the data field (the maximum length of a string you wish to hold). This
allows routines that write into the string buffer to know the physical size
of the data field, and thus avoid writing beyond the end of that string
buffer, destroying unrelated data or stack variables. The second is a long
integer specifying the current useage (the length of the string CURRENTLY in
the buffer), in bytes, of the data field. The third is the data field
itself. In the above example, the current useage is zero, and the data field
is uninitialized. The CNOP statement is an assembler directive that aligns
the program counter to the next word boundary. If Buffer1Length is an odd
number, then the assembler will throw in an extra byte at the end of the
buffer, so that whatever follows will be word-aligned.
So what functions are in this package? Disk I/O, string manipulation, and
Integer/ASCII conversion are the primary functions, as shown in the following
In this table, arguments are defined as follows:
[filename] the address of a string buffer containing the name
[old-filename] of a file
[file-handle] the address of a 4-byte file handle
[data] the address of a string buffer containing data
[seek-location] the number of bytes, zero being the beginning of file,
at which the next disk read or write is to take place
[text] an ASCII text operand. May be values separated by
commas, or literal text in quotes
[label] a label
[length] the length of a string buffer
--- Function Table ---
Name Function/Format
---------- ----------------------------------------
Start Performs housekeeping at the beginning
of a program, sets scanning to the
command line residue
Format: Start
Exit Performs housekeeping at the end of a
program, and exits
Format: Exit
Disk I/O:
Open Opens a disk file
Format: Open [filename],[file-handle]
Upon return, if the zero flag is set, then there is no such file.
Create Creates a disk file
Format: Create [filename],[file-handle]
Upon return, if the zero flag is set, then the file could not
be created.
Delete Deletes a disk file
Format: Delete [filename]
Upon return, if the zero flag is set, then the file did not exist,
or had its protection attribute set.
Close Closes a disk file
Format: Close [file-handle]
Rename Rename a disk file
Format: Rename [old-filename],[new-filename]
Upon return, if the zero flag is set, then the file did not exist,
or had its protection attribute set.
Read Reads from a disk file
Format: Read [file-handle],[data]
This routine attempts to read a full string buffer of data.
Upon return, the current useage of the string buffer used
as the disk I/O buffer indicates the number of bytes
successfully read from the file. If the current useage is
zero, then you have reached the end of file.
Write Writes to a disk file
Format: Write [file-handle],[data]
This routine attempts to write the number of bytes specified
by the current useage to the file.
Seek Seeks to a specified position in a disk file
Format: Seek [file-handle],[seek-location]
These functions handle I/O to the console:
ReadCon Gets a line from the console
Format: ReadCon [data]
WritCon Writes to the console
Format: WritCon [data]
Display Displays an immediate text string
Format: Display <[text]>
Crlf Displays a CR/LF
Format: Crlf
Space Displays a space character
Format: Space
These functions handle scanning of a string buffer
to pick up words (including punctuation),
alphanumeric words, or single characters:
SetScan Sets scanning to the beginning of a specified string buffer
Format: SetScan [data]
Default scanning is on the command line residue
Scanw Sets [data] to the next text word in the command line residue
or the string buffer specified in the most recent SetScan command
Format: Scanw [data]
Scana Sets [data] to the next alphanumeric word in the command line
residue or the string buffer specified in the most recent
SetScan command
Format: Scana [data]
Scanc Sets [data] to the next character in the command line residue
or the string buffer specified in the most recent SetScan command
These functions perform string handling, best
described by BASIC or C language equivalent
StrCpy A$=B$, copies one string to another
Format: StrCpy [from-data],[to-data]
StrCat A$=A$+B$, appends one string to another
Format: StrCat [from-data],[to-data]
StrCmp Compares one string with another
Format: StrCmp [data],[data]
StrLen I=LEN(A$), gets a string length
Format: StrLen [data]
Left A$=LEFT$(B$,I), gets I left-most chars
Format: Left [from-data],I,[to-data]
Mid A$=MID$(A$,I,J), gets I middle chars from position J
Format: Mid [from-data],I,J,[to-data]
Right A$=RIGHT$(A$,I), gets I right-most chars
Format: Right [from-data],I,[to-data]
ItoA A$=STR$(I), converts a long integer to an ASCII string
Format: ItoA I,[data]
AtoI I=VAL(A$), converts an ASCII string to a long integer
Format: AtoI [data],I
HAtoI I=HEX$(A$), converts a string of hex ASCII chars to an integer
Format: HAtoI [data],I
ItoHA8 A$=HEX8$(I), converts a 4-byte integer
to a string of 8 hex-ASCII chars
Format: ItoHA8 I,[data]
ItoHA4 A$=HEX4$(I), converts a 2-byte integer
to a string of 4 hex-ASCII chars
Format: ItoHA4 I,[data]
ItoHA2 A$=HEX2$(I), converts a 1-byte integer
to a string of 2 hex-ASCII chars
Format: ItoHA2 I,[data]
ItoHA1 A$=HEX1$(I), converts a 4-bit integer
to a string of 1 hex-ASCII char
Format: ItoHA1 I,[data]
These functions create string buffers:
StrBuf Directs the assembler to define an uninitialized string buffer
Format: StrBuf [label],[length]
String Directs the assembler to define an initialized string buffer
Format: String [label],<[text]>
General Notes
Notice that in the test programs, arguments that reference string buffers
are generally IMMEDIATE, shown with a pound sign before the label. Arguments
that are integers are generally DIRECT, shown simply as a label. Depending
on what you want to do, there may be exceptions to this rule.
Included in this package are 6 example programs. They should help you see
how these functions are invoked.
How to Invoke
I use the Metacomco assembler. You can get it, and the Metascope debugger
from Abel Supply in Sevierville, Tennessee. You call up their modem number
at (615) 453-0643, peruse or download their list of literally hundreds of
Amiga items, enter your VISA or MasterCard number, and in a few days, your
order shows up on your door step. Their voice number is (615) 428-5100. You
can get the Metacomco assembler for $54.75, and the MetaScope debugger for
$54.68, a discount form list of about 40%.
To assemble your program, enter the following:
assem test.asm -o test.o -l test.lst
This produces object file "test.o" and list file "test.lst". Assuming you
have no errors, you copy the "amiga.lib" file from the Metacomco disk to the
directory you have assigned to libs:, and enter:
alink test.o to test library libs:amiga.lib
Seeking in Disk Files
Some background on how the AmigaDOS disk I/O calls work is in order here.
AmigaDOS correctly assumes that most files read or written are "sequential"
files, meaning you either read an existing file from beginning to end, or you
create a file and write sequentially until you close it. Each file has a
position marker, or "cursor" associated with it that indicates where in the
file (how many bytes into the file) the next read or write is to take place.
Each time you read or write in a file, AmigaDOS automatically moves this
cursor to the end of the record you just read or wrote, making the assumption
that you wish to read or write the following record in the file. If you wish
read or write in another place in the file, you must use the Seek command to
change the cursor position.
The figure AmigaDOS will accept can be relative to the beginning of the file,
current position, or end of file. In this toolbox, we make all cursor
positioning arguments relative to the beginning of the file.
String buffers are used as disk I/O buffers as well as text buffers. When
you write to disk, the current useage of the string buffer is the number of
bytes to be written to disk. Conversely, when we read from disk, the maximum
length of the string buffer is the number of bytes that we wish to read from
disk, and the read routine sets the current useage of the string buffer to
the actual number of bytes read from disk. Thus, AmigaDOS tries to fill the
string buffer, and the string buffer's current useage is set to the correct
Reference Works
I recommend you get "Programmer's Guide to the Amiga" by Robert Peck (Sybex).
I have gotten a copy of this book, and noticed that although it is written
primarily for C users, it has much that applies to ALL users. It tells WHY
you perform certain procedures, as well as how. I also strongly recommend
the book "68000 Assembly Language Techniques for Building Programs" by Donald
Krantz and James Stanley (Addison-Wesley). This book you tells everything
you want to know about generic 68000 programming, including what addressing
modes are legal for each instruction, and why the special instructions and
address modes are so great.
How to Reach Me
If you have questions or comments, you may contact me at either of two BBS
systems I regularly visit: the Los Angeles Amiga User's Group BBS (LAAUG
Line) at (213) 559-7367, and the "1939" BBS at (818) 368-4248.